Saturday, September 5, 2015


We're all drawn into the beauty of life and all it has to offer.  We fall prey to its power.

~ It's not the life she envisioned. ~

She lives her life for the adoration.

It became a drug, toxic in remediation. 
Glamorously, she pulls shades over green eyes,
A reflective way to distract them from her disguise. 
The beauty.

She's always in love but only momentarily.
From one to another, she glides carelessly,
But they come to her so voluntarily 
Because she knows the weight beauty carries.
The power.

She uses all she has to her advantage,
But beauty's a power she can never quite manage.
They start to grow tired of the same pretty face,
So they begin to create their own ways.
The rules.

They have their own motives too.
There are reasons she's the one they choose.
Learned behavior, it's all about what one can see,
But her landing happens so quickly.
The fall.

When she falls she hits harder each time.
She's not playing their game - they come to realize. 
Looking for an escape before she's convincing,
But they don't know what they're missing.
The ground.

She always has a backup plan before another leaves,
Distracting her from what's hiding underneath.
Hiding deep down is a secret she won't admit.
She sleeps in different beds of loneliness.
The heartache.

She knows the cycle must stop but it repeats again.
Heartbreak is best medicated with more attention. 
The stakes are high, but she's addicted.
Loneliness is only a curable sickness.
The falsity.

She knows she never has to fall ill to its curse.
She flashes a smile and they all swarm to her. 
It's really quite sad she lives life this way,
But beauty is only a powerful game.
The game.

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