- Night-time
- Being underwater
- Your mother's perfume
- A smell that brings back memories
- Being a teenager, becoming an adult, middle age, old age
- The moon
- Falling asleep or waking up
- Growing older
- Write about the sight of: lit windows in a house when you're standing outside at night, someone you love when he or she doesn't know you're watching, a dying plant, shadows on snow
- How to know if you're in love
- A bad dream
- A ghost, a secret box, an ice cube tray, and a velvet ribbon
- Something most people see as ugly but which you see as beautiful
- Jealousy
- An event that changed you
- Forgetting
- The speed of light
- Reflections on a window
- Your greatest fear
- Having an affair, or discovering your partner is having one
- Birthdays
- How a kiss feels
- Write about the smell of: burning food, melting snow, the ocean, your grandparents' home, the inside of a bus, pavement after the rain
- Driving with the radio on
- A time you were tempted to do something you feel is wrong
- Physical attraction to someone
- A superstition you have
- a betrayal, soap, and a plane ticket
- Someone you admire
- Rain, snow, or a storm
- Form of magic spell
(prompts are compiled from websites)
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