Wednesday, October 2, 2013

31 Day Poetry Challenge Intro

During the month of October I will be completing a 31 Day Poetry Challenge.  I will write a poem everyday according to the prompts below.  I will try to post them each day as well.  Comments and feedback are encouraged (as long as they are clean). 

  1. Night-time
  2. Being underwater
  3. Your mother's perfume
  4. A smell that brings back memories
  5. Being a teenager, becoming an adult, middle age, old age
  6. The moon
  7. Falling asleep or waking up
  8. Growing older
  9. Write about the sight of: lit windows in a house when you're standing outside at night, someone you love when he or she doesn't know you're watching, a dying plant, shadows on snow
  10. How to know if you're in love
  11. A bad dream
  12. A ghost, a secret box, an ice cube tray, and a velvet ribbon
  13. Something most people see as ugly but which you see as beautiful
  14. Jealousy
  15. An event that changed you
  16. Forgetting
  17. The speed of light
  18. Reflections on a window
  19. Your greatest fear
  20. Having an affair, or discovering your partner is having one
  21. Birthdays
  22. How a kiss feels
  23. Write about the smell of: burning food, melting snow, the ocean, your grandparents' home, the inside of a bus, pavement after the rain
  24. Driving with the radio on
  25. A time you were tempted to do something you feel is wrong
  26. Physical attraction to someone
  27. A superstition you have
  28. a betrayal, soap, and a plane ticket
  29. Someone you admire
  30. Rain, snow, or a storm
  31. Form of magic spell

(prompts are compiled from websites)

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